Shia'ism - الرافضية/الشيعية

Shias - Who are they. What are their Beliefs.

Which of their beliefs are against common orthodox Islamic beliefs. What are the differences. How did they originate. Answers are given to some of their common and important beliefs in an unbiased manner, with answers from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Nowadays there are three main groups of Shia.
1) Ithna Ashariyyah (Twelvers), also known as Imamiyyah. They consist of the majority of Shia present nowadays. The audio clips presented here mainly deal with this sect.
2) Ismailiyyah
3) Bowhari

01 Belief of Shia Regarding their Imaams - Overview (Urdu)
02 Background to Shia'ism (Urdu)

Their Beliefs

03 A List of Their Main Beliefs (Urdu)

Their Belief Regarding the Qur'an

In this clip their belief regarding the Qur'an is explained. they believe that the current Qur'an is not the original and the Imam Mahdi will bring it with him when he comes. They say that many verses regarding Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu are mising. These allegations are answered in detail in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah. If Allah himself took the responsibiitly of safegaurding the Qur'an then how can any change come about!

Their Belief Regarding Their Imaams

Their Belief Regarding The Sahabah & its Answers

In these clips allegations made against the Sahabah are answered in detail. An important point mentioned is that if all the Sahabah except three four became Murtad (turned away from Islam) after the Prophet's (peace & blessings be upon him) death then this would show the failure of the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) in his mission. He then cannot be considered a successful teacher.

-Proof of the Excellence of the Sahabah from the Qur'an

Mentioned here are a collection of verses which portray the excellence of the Sahabah.

-Proof of the Excellence of the Sahabah from the Ahadeeth

08 Proof of the Excellence of the Sahabah from the Ahadeeth (Urdu)

-Proof of the Excellence of the Sahabah from Books of Creed (Aqaa'id)

09 Proof of the Excellence of the Sahabah from Books of Creed (Aqaa'id) (Urdu)

-A Few Important Points

10 A Few Important Points (Urdu)

-References For Further Details on their Belief Regarding the Sahabah

12 References For Further Details (Urdu)

Their Version (Changing) of the Kalimah

In this clip the Shia version of the Kalimah is mentioned. They include Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu into the Kalimah.
Mut'ah which is the temporary marriage is only permissible according to Shias. Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah and all other sects attributed to Islam deny the permissibility of this marriage. The majority says that this was permissible in Islam but after it was forbidden for ever. Ironically some sects of Shia also declare it to be unlawful.
14 Mut'ah (Temporary Marriage) (Urdu)

Their Belief in Raj'ah (The Return)

-Answer to the Verse with which they try to Prove Raj'ah

Understanding the Order of Khilafah through a Logical Approach

The Issue of Fadak

The issue of fadak is the one that Shias use it against the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah/Sunnis that Abu Bakr and Umar (Radhi Allahu Anhuma) denied Fatimah (Radhi Allahu Anha) her inheritance when (Prophet Peace Be Upon Him) Passed away. The reality is that Fatimah (Radhi Allahu Anha) was unaware of the fact that the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) had said that the Prophets do not inherit anybody nor is their legacy distributed after their death to the heirs. Ali (Radhi Allahu Anhu) also accepted this fact and saying of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him).
Listen to the clip to find out the full details.

Their Belief of Bada

19 Their Belief of Bada (Urdu

Their Belief in Taqiyyah (Concealing)

A common practise found among Shias. The purpose of this is to conceal their beliefs when asked about them. So basically they can give another answer other than the correct answer.
20 Their Belief in Tqiyyah (Concealing) (Urdu)

The Life & Virtues of Husain (Radhi Allahu Anhu)

What Islam Says about Mourning & the Practice of Shias on the 10th of Muharram

The Opinion of the Jurists/Ulama Regarding Shia'

23 The Opinion of the Jurists Regarding Shia's (Urdu)

Further Reading Regarding Twelvers

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